Thursday, November 5, 2009

Making Interdisciplinary Connections

On the NSF Research Day, there was interest in having a space to connect with colleagues in different disciplines. This is the perfect place to do that. So, I propose that everyone list their field and their current and/or possible research topics. If you have any idea about where someone else might help, you could mention that too. An example might look something like this:

Testing, testing..1,2,3 (This is not a real project :)
Field: I am in Entomology
Research Topic: I am interested in the communication behavior of bees, specifically how communication techniques differ between bees in Northern states and Southern states of the U.S.
Interdisciplinary Possibility: I have a thought that the communicative dances the bees do may differ because of climate differences but I don't know anything about climate.

Of course, the format for this could be completely different. As you wish...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Welcome to the blog of I3 Program at the University of Florida!