Thursday, November 5, 2009

Making Interdisciplinary Connections

On the NSF Research Day, there was interest in having a space to connect with colleagues in different disciplines. This is the perfect place to do that. So, I propose that everyone list their field and their current and/or possible research topics. If you have any idea about where someone else might help, you could mention that too. An example might look something like this:

Testing, testing..1,2,3 (This is not a real project :)
Field: I am in Entomology
Research Topic: I am interested in the communication behavior of bees, specifically how communication techniques differ between bees in Northern states and Southern states of the U.S.
Interdisciplinary Possibility: I have a thought that the communicative dances the bees do may differ because of climate differences but I don't know anything about climate.

Of course, the format for this could be completely different. As you wish...

1 comment:

  1. seems like I responded in the wrong place somehow (that's what happens when you respond from your phone, I guess). I originally wrote:

    That sounds like a good idea. Maybe we can include a "Looking For:" section as well, and maybe we can organize these ads into the different fields people are in and the fields they are interested in collaborating with?
